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Frequently asked questions

How does InspectMe enhance the debugging of Unity scripts?

InspectMe enhances script debugging by allowing developers to visually inspect and monitor variables and object states, identify issues quickly, and understand the behavior of their scripts more effectively.

What advantages does InspectMe offer over using the standard Unity Inspector in debug mode?

InspectMe elevates Unity debugging beyond what's available in the default debug mode. Unlike the standard Unity Inspector, which limits inspection to surface-level properties, InspectMe dives deeper. It allows for the inspection of generic collections and nested collections, presenting a more comprehensive view of your project's data structures. Moreover, InspectMe's capabilities extend to monitoring changes in real-time with its dynamic inspector and watchers feature, enabling more than just static value inspection. This added depth and real-time tracking provide unparalleled clarity and convenience in debugging and inspecting your Unity projects​​​​.

Why Play Mode?

InspectMe is designed to provide real-time data collection and manipulation, which is only possible in Unity's play mode. In play mode, you can observe and interact with the dynamic changes to values, offering a comprehensive understanding of your application's behavior as it runs. Here are some key reasons why play mode is essential for most InspectMe features.

Can InspectMe display real-time updates of property values?

Yes, InspectMe can display real-time updates of property values, particularly useful for tracking changes during gameplay or other dynamic scenarios.

Can InspectMe be used in conjunction with Unity's profiler for performance analysis?

Yes, InspectMe can complement Unity's profiler by providing detailed insights into object states and values, which can be valuable when analyzing performance data from the profiler.

What types of Unity objects can I inspect with InspectMe?

InspectMe allows you to inspect a wide range of Unity objects, including classes, structs, Unity components, primitive types, and specific Unity/C# value types like Vector2, Color, etc. It also supports all generic collection types like lists, arrays, hashSets and dictionaries. See more..

Can InspectMe be used for editing values during runtime?

Yes, if you are using InspectMe Pro. This version allows you to edit values during runtime, giving you the flexibility to dynamically adjust and monitor variable states directly within the editor. This feature is particularly useful for real-time debugging and testing. Please note that this capability is not available in InspectMe Lite._

Is it possible to monitor changes in a variable in real-time using InspectMe?

Yes, InspectMe's Watchers feature allows you to monitor changes in variables in real-time. You can set up watchers on specific nodes to receive notifications when their values change.

Can I customize the notifications I receive from Watchers?

Yes, InspectMe allows you to customize how you receive notifications from Watchers, including options like logs, beep sounds, pausing the Unity Editor, or pop-up messages.

Can I use InspectMe to inspect interface implementations?

Yes, InspectMe allows you to inspect interface implementations. It shows the instance that implements the inspected interface and its members.

How does InspectMe handle large collections or arrays?

For large collections or arrays, InspectMe uses techniques like entry grouping to optimize performance and display. It only draws entries that are visible in the Tree View.

What kind of search capabilities does the Search Field in Inspector Values offer?

The Search Field allows you to search by name, value, or type within the selected node. It also reveals invisible members and supports inline filtering for more refined searches.

Does InspectMe support keyboard navigation?

Yes, InspectMe supports keyboard navigation in the Tree View, allowing you to navigate through nodes using arrow keys and expand/collapse nodes efficiently.

Is it possible to inspect private fields or properties with InspectMe?

Yes, InspectMe can inspect private fields and properties, offering a more in-depth view of an object's state than what is typically accessible through the standard Unity inspector.

Does InspectMe support graphical types for inspection?

Yes, InspectMe supports the inspection of graphical types like sprites, textures, and materials, offering detailed views and previews where applicable.

Does InspectMe support nested collections and arrays?

InspectMe supports nested collections and arrays, allowing you to inspect complex data structures like multidimensional arrays or nested lists in an organized and accessible manner.

Can InspectMe be integrated into automated testing frameworks within Unity?

InspectMe is primarily a manual inspection tool and might not directly integrate with automated testing frameworks. However, its insights can inform and enhance automated testing strategies.