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Leveraging Watchers

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Enhance your inspection by attaching watchers to your inspected members. Watchers notify you of real-time changes in values.

Adding Watchers

You can add a watcher right after your InspectMe() call. Customize the watcher's behavior with various parameters, like notification methods and activation settings.


For a comprehensive guide on adding and configuring watchers, visit our Add Watcher Methods page.

Correct Usage of AddWatcher

// Basic watcher addition with notification type
this.InspectMe(x => x.myValue).AddWatcher(WatcherNotifications.Log);

// Using a callback with a watcher
this.InspectMe(x => x.myValue).AddWatcher(OnValueChanged);

// Callback example
private void OnValueChanged(int newValue)
    // Handle the value change here

Incorrect Use Cases for Watchers

Watchers are powerful but have limitations. Avoid using them in unsupported scenarios.

// 1- Adding a watcher with null callback or None notification
this.InspectMe(x => x.myValue).AddWatcher(null); // Null callback
this.InspectMe(x => x.myValue).AddWatcher(WatcherNotifications.None); // None notification

// 2- Adding a watcher to unsupported types
this.InspectMe(x => x.myClass).AddWatcher(OnClassChanged); // Not valid for classes/structs
For a comprehensive understanding of the types that Watchers can monitor, please refer to our detailed section on supported types by watcher.


Watchers are primarily for debugging purposes in the Unity Editor and should not be used for game logic in production.

For further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support section.