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InspectMe Methods

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The InspectMe plugin offers a range of methods designed to enhance the debugging and inspection process in Unity. These methods allow developers to easily inspect objects, classes, and their members at runtime. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to utilizing these methods effectively.

InspectMe Method for Objects


Inspects an object, allowing developers to observe its properties and fields in real-time.


public static void InspectMe(this object host, string instanceName = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "")
Parameter Type Description Default Value
host object The object to be inspected. N/A
instanceName string (Optional) Custom name for the instance being inspected. "" (empty)
lineNumber int Line number in the source code file. 0
filePath string Path to the source code file. "" (empty)

InspectMe Method for Classes


Inspects a class instance, providing insights into its properties and fields.


public static InspectResult<T> InspectMe<T>(this T host, string instanceName = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "") where T : class
Parameter Type Description Default Value
host T The class instance to be inspected. N/A
instanceName string (Optional) Custom name for the instance being inspected. "" (empty)
lineNumber int Line number in the source code file. 0
filePath string Path to the source code file. "" (empty)

InspectMe Method for Member Inspection Using MemberInfo


Inspects a specific member of an object or class using MemberInfo.


public static void InspectMe(this object host, MemberInfo memberInfo, [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "")
Parameter Type Description Default Value
host object The object containing the member to be inspected. N/A
memberInfo MemberInfo The information about the member to be inspected. N/A
lineNumber int Line number in the source code file. 0
filePath string Path to the source code file. "" (empty)

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