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Getting Started with InspectMe

Welcome to the beginning of a streamlined development experience with InspectMe! Let's get you up and running with minimal fuss.

Step 1: Choosing Your Version

InspectMe is available in two editions: Lite and Pro. Depending on your needs, you can start with the free Lite version for essential debugging tools, or opt for the Pro version for full functionality, including real-time value editing, method inspections, and static class analysis.

  • InspectMe Lite Free: Perfect for those who want essential debugging tools without additional overhead. Ideal for projects where simplicity and ease of use are key. InspectMe Lite
  • InspectMe Pro: Offers advanced debugging and development tools, including the ability to edit values in real time and inspect methods and static classes within the Unity Editor. InspectMe Pro

Step 2: Installing InspectMe

After downloading your chosen version from the Unity Asset Store, add InspectMe to your toolkit by following these steps:

  1. Open Unity and navigate to Window > Asset Store.
  2. Search for InspectMe and download the edition you have chosen.
  3. Import InspectMe into your Unity project and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Step 3: Opening InspectMe

  • Access InspectMe from the Unity Editor by navigating to Window > InspectMe.
  • Dock the InspectMe window in your workspace or let it float to keep it visible during your workflow.

Step 4: Inspecting Your First Object

Initiate your first inspection with ease:

  • Via Drag and Drop:
    • Components: Directly drag components into the InspectMe tree view to enhance your inspection scope. This feature provides an intuitive way to examine specific parts of your GameObjects.
    • GameObjects: Drag and drop a gameObject from the hierarchy into the InspectMe window. A popup will display a list of all components attached to the gameObject, allowing you to select multiple options and click "Inspect" to show them in the tree view.
  • Via Attribute: Add the [InspectMe] attribute to classes or members, and use the generated 'Inspect' button in the Unity Inspector for quick access.
  • Via Script: Invoke this.InspectMe(); within any class to automatically inspect all its members, or specify an instance name for a targeted inspection.

Step 4: Exploring Features

  • Tree View Exploration: Begin by expanding member nodes in the Tree View to uncover the structure and inner workings of your objects. Pro users can edit values directly within this view, offering an interactive debugging experience.
  • Search Field Utility: Use the Search Field to quickly find specific elements within your project, simplifying the inspection process.
  • Watchers for Real-Time Monitoring: Set up Watchers to monitor real-time changes in your game's variables, helping you stay responsive during runtime.
  • Method Studio: Dive into deeper analysis with the ability to inspect methods, enabling detailed debugging and testing of method behavior and performance.
  • Static Class and Member Inspection: Explore static classes and their members, providing a broader view of your project's architecture and static data.

Step 5: Features Comparison

Here is a quick overview of the features available in each version:

Feature InspectMe Lite InspectMe Pro
Real-time Update
Advanced Tree View
Dynamic Inspector
Comprehensive Stacktrace Analysis
Bookmark Management
Edit Members Values
Methods Studio
Inspecting Static Members & Classes
Inspect Types
Real-time Watchers

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Need Help?

  • FAQ: For quick answers to common questions, visit our FAQ page.
  • Support: Need further assistance or want to get in touch? Our Support page has all the details you need.

Next Steps

  • Continue exploring the Features page to fully leverage InspectMe in your Unity development.
  • Stay updated on new additions and improvements by checking the Changelog.

Welcome to InspectMe—your new partner in Unity development!