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The Tree View Toolbar in InspectMe is a dynamic and customizable menu that enhances user interaction with the hierarchical tree display of inspected objects. This menu is designed to streamline your workflow by providing quick access to a suite of actions tailored to the specific needs of your debugging and inspection processes.

Quick Actions and Customization

The Tree View Toolbar features a variety of quick action buttons that facilitate immediate operations on the tree nodes, enhancing productivity and providing intuitive controls directly within the Tree View interface.

Available Actions

  • Collapse All: Quickly collapses all expanded nodes, providing a cleaner view of the tree structure.

  • Select: For nodes representing Unity objects, this option allows you to select the actual object within the Unity Editor.

  • Copy: Offers tailored copy options based on the node type:

    • Member Group: Allows copying of member names, values, and types.

    • Component Group: Facilitates copying and pasting components specific to Unity, with additional options for Transform and RectTransform nodes to copy attributes like position, rotation, scale, and rect properties.

      Note: Copying components is confined to operations within InspectMe and cannot be interchanged with Unity's native clipboard actions.

  • Bookmark: Easily add or remove bookmarks to nodes for quicker access during sessions.

  • Watcher: Pro Attach or detach watcher blocks directly from nodes to monitor changes in real time.

  • Edit Value: Pro Quick editing or asset picking to modify the value of a node.

  • Set Value To Null: Pro Allows setting nullable nodes to null directly from the menu.

  • DefaultValue: Pro Resets node values to their defaults, akin to a 'reset to default' functionality.

  • Set Random Value: Pro Generates random values appropriate to the type of the selected node, enhancing testing scenarios.

  • Inspect Type: Pro Opens a detailed Type Info popup for the selected node’s type.

  • Destroy: Pro If applicable, destroys the component associated with the selected node.

  • Delete: Removes a node from the Tree View, applicable only to root nodes.

Note: All the quick action buttons available in the Tree View Menu are also accessible through the right-click contextual menu within the Tree View. This redundancy ensures that no matter how you prefer to interact with the Tree View—whether through direct button clicks or contextual menus—you have consistent access to all functionalities. For further details please visit the Contextual menu documentation.

Customization Guide

Customize the Toolbar to include only the actions you frequently use, ensuring a streamlined interface. Adjust your settings via:

Preferences > Tree-View > Toolbar

Toolbar Preferences
In the Toolbar Settings within the Preferences panel, you can tailor the toolbar to your workflow. This customization ensures that the Tree View reflects your preferred debugging tools and techniques, making your interactions more efficient and aligned with your project needs.

This powerful customization capability allows you to shape the Toolbar to fit perfectly with your debugging style, ensuring that every tool you need is just a click away.

Tree-View Highlighter

Quickly distinguish between node types with the Tree-View Highlighter, directly accessible through the toolbar. This tool lets you apply visual highlights to tree nodes based on predefined or customizable criteria:

  • Predefined Highlights: Instantly spotlight specific nodes like Camera, String, or those with null values.
  • Custom Highlights: Define your own criteria for highlighting based on node attributes such as name, value, or type.

Explore the full capabilities and setup instructions on the Tree-View Highlighter documentation page.

For any queries or support regarding Tree View Toolbar feature, please refer to our Support section or visit our FAQ page.