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Contextual Menu

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The Tree View Contextual Menu in InspectMe offers a comprehensive suite of quick actions, enabling developers to interact seamlessly with the Tree View. This menu enhances the functionality of InspectMe by providing accessible and efficient methods for managing and manipulating objects and their properties directly from the Tree View.

Note: All methods tagged with the [ContextMenu] attribute, regardless of their context within MonoBehaviour, class, or struct, will be presented both in the tree view's contextual menu and as buttons within the inspector setup.

Right-clicking any node within the Tree View reveals the Contextual Menu, which mirrors the actions available in the Tree View's toolbar. This design consistency ensures that users can access the same functionalities in whichever way they prefer, whether through menu selections or direct interactive buttons.

Key Features

Collapse All

  • Description: Collapses all expandable nodes within the Tree View, simplifying the view and focusing on root-level items.


  • Description: If the selected node is a Unity.Object, this option selects the object within the Unity Editor, synchronizing InspectMe's Tree View with the Editor's focus.

Copy Options

  • Description: Offers multiple copying functionalities:
    • Copy Name: Copies the name of the selected member to the clipboard.
    • Copy Value: Copies the value of the selected member to the clipboard.
    • Copy Type: Copies the type of the selected member to the clipboard.
    • Component Options (when applicable): Provides options to copy component-specific attributes like position, rotation, and scale for Transform and RectTransform nodes.

      Note: Copying components is confined to operations within InspectMe and cannot be interchanged with Unity's native clipboard actions.


  • Description: Quickly adds or removes a bookmark for the selected node, facilitating easy access to frequently used members.

Watcher Pro

  • Description: Enables quick addition or removal of a Watcher Block for the selected node, allowing real-time tracking of changes.

Editing and Values Pro

  • Description: Contains various options for directly modifying the values of the selected node:
    • Edit Value: Quick editing or asset picking to modify the value of a node.
    • Set Value to Null: Sets the selected member's value to null, if applicable.
    • Set Default Value: Resets the member to its default state.
    • Set Random Value: Assigns a random value to the selected member, suitable for testing and debugging scenarios.
    • Edit Script: If the selected member is a MonoBehaviour, this option opens the associated script in the configured IDE, facilitating quick edits and debugging directly from the Tree View.

Inspect Type Pro

Deletion and Destruction

  • Description: Offers options to remove or destroy the selected node or component:
    • Delete: Removes the node from the Tree View.
    • Destroy: Destroys the selected component, effectively removing it from the Unity scene.

For any queries or support regarding Tree View feature, please refer to our Support section or visit our FAQ page.