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Welcome to the Method Studio feature, a core component of the InspectMe suite designed to enhance your debugging and development workflow within Unity. This powerful tool equips you with the capability to explore, invoke, and analyze methods with unparalleled detail and efficiency.

Quick Usage Guide

  1. Access the Inspect Methods Tab: Start by opening the InspectMe panel within Unity and selecting the 'Methods Studio' tab.

  2. Discover Method Block:

    • Method Overview: The Methods Explorer presents each method as an individual block that includes the method's name, return type, and a contextual icon that represents the return type.
    • Interactive Tooltips: Hovering over any method block reveals a tooltip. This tooltip displays the method's signature, complete with syntax highlighting, to provide clear, at-a-glance information.
    • Expand/Collapse Method Details: Click on any method block to toggle its expanded view. In this view, you’ll find:
      • Parameters: Input fields for each parameter required by the method.
      • Invoke Button: A dedicated button for executing the method directly from the panel.
      • Open in Scope Button: Use this button to open the method in a detailed scope view for extensive inspection and deeper analytical capabilities.

This streamlined approach ensures that you can quickly interact with and utilize the powerful method inspection features of InspectMe, enhancing your development workflow within Unity.


Inspect Method introduces a suite of interactive tools that revolutionize the way you handle method inspection and debugging:

  • Methods Explorer: Serve as a central hub for method exploration within your projects. The Methods Explorer offers a refined interface equipped with powerful search and filtering tools that streamline the identification and selection of methods. The intuitive design facilitates seamless navigation among methods and their overloads, effectively optimizing your debugging workflow.

  • Method Benchmarking: Customize method invocations with options like stopwatch timing, memory watching, and garbage collection monitoring to tailor inspections to your specific requirements.

  • Log Capture: Capture any logs that occur during method execution and display them in a comprehensive interface. This feature ensures that you can track and analyze output directly related to your method tests.

  • Result Display: After invocation, the results, benchmarks, and logs are presented in a unified interface. This cohesive display streamlines the analysis process, enabling swift and informed decision-making.

  • Inspect Invocation Results in the Tree View: Streamline your debugging workflow by examining method invocation results directly in the tree view. This functionality supports all types manageable within the tree view, facilitating instant analysis of returned values.

  • Review Invoke History: Access a detailed and organized review of past method invocations. This historical insight helps refine future tests and understand method behavior over time.

  • Method Properties Popup: Obtain detailed information about methods and their parameters through an informative popup. This detailed view provides deep insights into method structure and execution requirements.

Each feature is designed to streamline your debugging process, making method inspection both thorough and efficient.

Note: In addition to interactive method blocks, Method Studio seamlessly integrates Context Menu methods, allowing for quick actions directly within the inspector and through the tree view's context menu. For more details on enabling these features and customizing your settings, visit our Context Menu Method Integration page.

Supported Method Types

To ensure a broad compatibility and utility, Inspect Method supports a variety of method types and parameters. Discover what types of methods and parameters are supported by visiting the Supported Method Types page. This will provide you with detailed insights into what you can inspect and modify using InspectMe.

Enhanced Debugging Experience

Begin your debugging process by using the Methods Explorer to select and inspect methods. The Method Insight offers a more granular look at each method, providing tools for modification, execution, and detailed analysis.

By integrating these tools into your Unity Editor, Inspect Method not only simplifies but also enhances the debugging and development process, enabling a more efficient and informed approach to project optimization.

For any queries or support regarding Method Studio feature, please refer to our Support section or visit our FAQ page.