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Inspecting Invocation Results in the Tree View

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InspectMe transforms your debugging workflow by enabling in-depth inspection of method invocation results directly within the Tree View. This functionality is a part of the broader Method Studio suite, designed to augment your interaction with Unity's methods, making it easier to delve into the specifics of method outputs.

When a method in Unity is invoked and it returns a value, InspectMe provides the capability to examine these results further within its Tree View.

This is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex data structures or when you need a detailed visualization of what a method returns.

How It Works

Once a method is executed and if it returns a non-void result, the "Inspect Result" button becomes active in the Result tab of the Method Scope. Clicking this button will transfer the returned value to the Tree View, where it is displayed as a navigable node structure. This allows developers to:

  • Visualize Complex Data: Complex return types are decomposed into their constituent elements within the Tree View, making them easier to analyze.
  • Navigate Through Data: Each element of the returned value can be expanded to reveal further details or nested structures, providing a granular view of the data.


  • For methods specifically returning GameObject and their collections, additional configuration options are available which are detailed on the Handling GameObject Returns page. This ensures that all scenarios are covered, making the debugging process as flexible and efficient as possible. For a detailed configuration guide and additional settings related to GameObject returns, please refer to the GameObject Return Settings documentation.
  • This feature seamlessly integrates with all supported types in the tree view, enabling immediate analysis of returned values.

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