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Feature Highlights and Uses

Step into the world of InspectMe, where each feature is engineered to revolutionize the way you interact with Unity. From debugging to data inspection, our tools are designed to enhance efficiency and provide deeper insights, all integrated seamlessly into your development environment.

Explore the Features of InspectMe

This section offers a snapshot of the tools available to enhance your debugging and development experience in Unity, complete with quick access links to detailed documentation and demonstration videos for each feature. Explore these capabilities to understand how they can streamline your workflow and elevate your project's efficiency.


Navigate complex Unity projects with ease using the Tree-View feature of InspectMe. This tool presents a hierarchical view of your project's elements, offering dynamic interaction with nodes and comprehensive support for arrays and collections. It’s an indispensable tool for detailed inspections and streamlined debugging.


The Inspector enhances your Unity development by providing deep insights into objects and scripts. With features like real-time value updates and extensive member type support, the Inspector ensures you have all the necessary tools at your fingertips to effectively analyze and modify your Unity objects.


Gain precise insights into your application's runtime behavior with Stacktrace. This feature allows you to trace method calls and navigate through call stacks with ease, providing a clear path to understanding code execution and identifying issues swiftly.


Streamline your development workflow in Unity with the Bookmarks feature of InspectMe. This tool allows for quick and easy access to frequently used elements, enhancing efficiency and organization. The Bookmarks feature not only supports simple access but also provides detailed group management, allowing for intuitive interaction and robust bookmark manipulation.

Edit Members Values

Revolutionize how you interact with values in your Unity projects with InspectMe's Edit Members Values feature. This tool empowers you to modify values directly within the Unity Editor during runtime, enhancing your ability to debug and fine-tune elements on the fly. It integrates seamlessly into the Tree View and Inspector, offering advanced editing capabilities and quick actions for an efficient development process.

Methods Studio

Dive deep into method management with Methods Studio, a pivotal component of the InspectMe toolkit. This feature provides extensive capabilities to explore, invoke, and analyze methods with precision. From dynamic method exploration to comprehensive benchmarking and detailed result analysis, Methods Studio equips you with the tools necessary to enhance your debugging and development within Unity, ensuring a thorough understanding and efficient management of your project's methods.

Inspect Static

This feature extends the functionality of InspectMe to include static members and classes within your Unity projects. Now you can easily explore and modify static properties and fields directly in the Unity Editor, enhancing your ability to manage and debug static data efficiently. This integration includes a comprehensive namespace explorer for better navigation and understanding of static structures.

Inspect Types

Delve into the structural details of data types within your Unity projects. Inspect Types offers a profound understanding of type characteristics, inheritance, and more through customizable pop-ups, making it easier to navigate and optimize code architecture directly within the Unity Editor.


Elevate your debugging efficiency with Watchers, a dynamic feature designed to monitor and alert you about real-time changes in object properties within Unity. Ideal for tracking alterations during runtime, this tool ensures you're immediately informed about crucial changes, aiding in rapid debugging and iterations.

For any questions or support regarding the features of InspectMe, please visit our Support section. If you have an idea for a new feature or suggestions for improvement, we encourage you to submit your feedback through our Feature Request Form or consider using our Issue-Tracker on GitHub. We value your input as it helps us continue enhancing InspectMe.