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Console Log

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The InspectMe Console Log is a custom feature designed specifically for monitoring the internal operations and debugging processes of the InspectMe tool. This console operates separately from Unity's built-in console, focusing solely on logs, errors, and warnings generated by InspectMe. It offers a centralized platform to enhance your ability to track essential operational messages clearly and effectively.

Independent Logging System

  • Dedicated Scope: Captures all InspectMe-specific activities without mixing them into the general Unity console output.
  • Error and Warning Isolation: Focuses on errors and warnings specific to InspectMe, allowing for targeted debugging.

Customizable User Interface

  • Severity Toggles: Easily filter logs by severity (log, warning, error) to focus on the most critical issues.
  • Search Functionality: Includes a search field to quickly find specific logs based on keywords or phrases.
  • Collapse Functionality: Reduce clutter by collapsing repetitive messages, making it easier to manage large volumes of logs.

Flexible Configuration

  • Toggle Console Visibility: The console can be enabled or disabled from the InspectMe preferences window, allowing you to manage its visibility based on your current needs.
  • Customization Options: Configure log modules, set notification preferences, and adjust how logs are displayed directly within the console settings.

Export Options

  • Export Logs: Logs can be exported in either a collapsed format or as detailed entries, providing flexibility for documentation or analysis outside of the development environment.


Utilizing the InspectMe Console Log offers several benefits:

  • Focused Debugging: By isolating InspectMe's operations from Unity’s logs, it simplifies troubleshooting and enhances clarity.
  • Customized Monitoring: Tailor the console to display only what's relevant to your current debugging or monitoring scenario.
  • Documentation Support: Export capabilities allow for easy archiving and sharing of logs, aiding in collaborative debugging and historical analysis.

For any queries or support regarding Console feature, please refer to our Support section or visit our FAQ page.