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Frequently asked questions

How does InspectMe enhance the debugging of Unity scripts?

InspectMe enhances script debugging by allowing developers to visually inspect, monitor, and dynamically modify variables and object states. It facilitates quicker issue identification and deeper understanding of script behavior, significantly improving debugging efficiency.

What advantages does InspectMe offer over using the standard Unity Inspector in debug mode?

Unlike the standard Unity Inspector, which primarily offers static data inspection, InspectMe provides a dynamic inspection environment. This includes the ability to edit values in real-time, Methods Studio, and view static classes, along with enhanced views of generic and nested collections. This comprehensive approach allows for deeper analysis and real-time performance adjustments.

Why is Play Mode essential for using InspectMe?

Play Mode in Unity is vital for InspectMe because it allows the observation and interaction with real-time changes in the game’s state. This mode supports the dynamic nature of InspectMe's features, such as real-time updates, value editing, and method execution, providing a live context where changes have immediate visual and functional feedback.

Can InspectMe display real-time updates of property values?

Yes, InspectMe provides real-time updates of property values, enabling developers to observe changes and effects immediately during gameplay or other dynamic scenarios, enhancing troubleshooting and fine-tuning of behaviors.

Can InspectMe be used in conjunction with Unity's profiler for performance analysis?

Absolutely, InspectMe complements Unity's profiler by giving detailed, real-time insights into object states and values alongside the performance metrics collected by the profiler, making it a powerful tool for in-depth performance analysis.

What types of Unity objects can I inspect with InspectMe?

InspectMe supports a wide array of Unity objects including GameObjects, components, primitives, and various C# structures. Its capabilities extend to complex data types like arrays, lists, dictionaries, and even custom class types, providing a versatile toolset for comprehensive inspection.

Can InspectMe be used for editing values during runtime?

InspectMe Pro supports editing values directly within the Unity Editor during runtime, facilitating on-the-fly adjustments and testing. This capability is key for iterative development and rapid debugging. This feature is not available in the Lite version.

Is it possible to monitor changes in a variable in real-time using InspectMe?

Yes, with InspectMe's Watchers feature, you can set up real-time monitoring for any variable or property. This allows you to track changes as they happen, which is invaluable for debugging and fine-tuning game mechanics.

Can I customize the notifications I receive from Watchers?

InspectMe offers customizable notifications for Watchers, enabling you to choose between visual cues, sounds, logs, or even editor pauses, tailoring the feedback to your specific development needs.

How does InspectMe handle large collections or arrays?

InspectMe optimizes the display of large collections and arrays by implementing efficient rendering techniques. It ensures that only the visible elements are processed and displayed, which conservatively manages system resources and maintains performance.

What kind of search capabilities does the Search Field in Inspector Values offer?

The Search Field in InspectMe allows you to perform detailed searches through the inspected data by name, value, or type. It also supports advanced queries and filtering to streamline your inspection process.

Does InspectMe support keyboard navigation?

Yes, keyboard navigation is fully supported in InspectMe, facilitating efficient navigation through the Tree View using arrow keys, which enhances usability for all users.

Is it possible to inspect private fields or properties with InspectMe?

InspectMe provides access to private fields and properties, offering a deeper look into the internal state of objects beyond what is traditionally available through the Unity inspector.

Does InspectMe support graphical types for inspection?

InspectMe is capable of inspecting graphical assets such as sprites, textures, and materials, complete with visual previews, making it a powerful tool for artists and developers alike.

Can InspectMe be integrated into automated testing frameworks within Unity?

While primarily designed for interactive use, InspectMe's insights can be valuable for setting up and refining automated tests, though direct integration may require custom scripting or tool development.